Poltergeist Cases

Bell Witch of Tennessee

“The ‘Bell Witch’ Talking Poltergeist Case”

“Andrew Jackson’s Visit”

“An English Gentleman’s Visit”

“The Bells and Witchcraft Legends”

“The Slaves”

In Comparison: “‘Gef’: A Modern Sphinx . . . Lesson about Oneness”

“Ghost Adventures”: “Bell Witch Cave”

“. . . Testimonial . . .”

“Transcendental Communication and Environmental Warnings”

Bell-Mc Wethy Family of Centrahoma

“The Centrahoma Poltergeist” (Part 1)

“The Centrahoma Poltergeist” (Part 2)

“The Centrahoma Poltergeist” (Part 3)

“Family Notes and Other Data”

“Five Centrahoma Photographs”

“Excerpts from Centrahoma Interview Transcripts”

“The Case Study”

“The Centrahoma Visit In Retrospect”

“Parallels Between Case Studies: Unwelcomed and Testament”

“In Comparison . . . (The Bell Witch)”

“Paranormal Case Study 20th Anniversary”

Daemon of Tedworth

“‘The Daemon of Tedworth’ Talking Poltergeist Case”

Devil of Hjalta-Stad

“‘The Devil of Hjalta-stad,’ Iceland . . . ‘Talking Poltergeist’ Case”

Donald Ban and the Bocan

“‘Donald Ban and the Bocan,’ Scotland . . . ‘Talking Poltergeist’ Case”

Hodgson Family of Enfield

“Links Between ‘Poltergeist’ Cases”

“No Medium Was Needed . . . Paranormal Mirror Writing Messages”


“The ‘Gaspar’ ‘Talking Poltergeist’ Case”

‘Gef’ Isle of Man

“‘Gef’: A Modern Sphinx as an Esoteric Lesson about Oneness”


“The Hieronyma ‘Talking Poltergeist’ Case . . . 17th Century Pavia, Italy”

Mary Jobson

“Seasonal Reflections” (2013)

“Lessons and Parallels of Four Paranormal Case Chronologies”

Matthew Manning

“Links Between ‘Poltergeist’ Cases”

Moffitt Family of Rancho Cucamonga

“The Moffitt Family Poltergeist Case 1987-1992”

“Clues from ‘Mr. Entity'”

“The Case Study Concludes”

“‘Poltergeist’ Phenomena: Parallels, Patterns, Puzzles”

“Parallels Between Case Studies: Unwelcomed and Testament”

“Interview Recordings”

“No Medium Was Needed . . . Paranormal Mirror Writing Messages”

“In Comparison . . . (The Bell Witch)”

“Paranormal Phenomena As Divine Revelation”

Morse Family of Massachusetts

“The Morse ‘Talking Poltergeist’ Case of 1679-80 Massachusetts”


“The Rochdale Poltergeist 1995”

“Twists: The Rochdale Poltergeist (Part 2)”


“List of ‘Talking Poltergeist’ Accounts”

“A Paranormal Query”

Return to Index

Correlations between poltergeist cases is one aspect of links found among documented cases of paranormal phenomena. Examples are provided in an excerpt from the article “Links Between ‘Poltergeist’ Cases”:

Playfair also acknowledged, “The poltergeist, or at any rate one of them, seemed to have a sense of humour.” He explained:

One night, the Harpers watched fascinated as a slipper performed a little dance balanced on the edge of the headboard of Janet’s bed, bending double as if it were being manipulated like a glove puppet. On another occasion, a poster that had fallen off the wall slid up from the floor and peeped over the same headboard.

One night, I sat on the landing eating a sandwich as quietly as I could, when from the bedroom one of the Voices suddenly announced that it wanted a biscuit. Mrs. Harper looked at Janet, who was well tucked up with her hands out of sight, when to her amazement a biscuit just appeared out of nowhere, stuck in Janet’s mouth.