Healing Facilitators

Arigo (Jose Pedro de Freitas)

“Spiritual Healing”

“Arigo Case Study: ‘A Mystery and a Challenge for Science'”

Ray Brown

“The Ray Brown/’Paul’ Trance Healer Case”

“Trance Healer Autobiography: A Mere Grain of Sand”


“Raymond’s Other Guides”

“Transcendental Perspectives of Christ and Jesus (Part 2)”

“2015: Ray Brown and ‘Paul’ vs. ‘Assumed Imperative'”

“Trance Healer Ray Brown and ‘Paul’ in 2016”

“What Do People Ignorant about ‘Channeling’ Find Unbelievable . . . ?”

Edgar Cayce

“Case Profile: Edgar Cayce”

“How David Kahn Met Edgar Cayce”

“Guidelines for Spiritual Healing”

Harry Edwards

“Spiritual Healing”

“Maurice Barbanell’s Memories of Mediumship”

Gene Egidio

“Remembering Gene Egidio (1933-2009)”

Rubens Faria

“William Moreira’s 1995 Letter to U.S. Media . . .”

“The ‘Paranormal’ In Perspective”

“Marcia’s Healing (from “Dr. Fritz” The Phenomenon of the Millennium)”

“‘The Dr. Fritz Phenomenon'”

“How Masao Maki Met ‘Dr. Fritz'”

Bárbara Guerrero ('Pachita')

"Andrija Puharich and Miraculous Trance Healer Pachita"

John of God (João de Deus/João Teixeira da Faria)

“Spirituality & Health: Healing Spirits of Brazil”

“An Introduction to Healer John of God”

“John of God and the Media”

“John of God: Journey to the Spirit World”

“Taking a Closer Look at ‘Unexplained Phenomena'”

“John of God vs. Assumed Imperative”

“What People Should Know about Spiritual Healer John of God”

Kathryn Kuhlman

“Miracle Healings, The Holy Spirit and Kathryn Kuhlman”

Gladys Osborne Leonard

“Gladys Osborne Leonard’s Steps to Trance Mediumship . . .”

Matthew Manning

“British GQ Matthew Manning Interview”

“Significance of ‘Unexplained Phenomena'”

“Incidents in the Life of Matthew Manning”

“Matthew Manning and Reincarnation”

“Matthew Manning and Spiritual Healing”

Ambrose and Olga Worrall

“Spiritual Healing”

“The Worralls’ Principles of Spiritual Healing”

“The Harbinger, a Christmas Party and the Healers”


“Transcendental Communications from ‘Abduhl Latif'”

“In Comparison: “Talks With Shafir” Direct Voice Seance Transcript”

“Holistic Realizations”

“Spiritual Healing In Review”

Return to Index

Here is an excerpt from the article "Channeling News Considered":

In late March, Brazilian media reported that Joao—who for many decades served as a spiritual healer and has devoted himself to educating people about this aspect of life—was sent home from prison to serve his sentence under house arrest with stipulations that included him wearing an anklet and being prohibited from visiting his hospital. The judge authorized this in order for him to avoid coronavirus contagion. During the period when he was incarcerated and I searched news reports for his response to the accusations brought against him, some articles reported that a court secrecy order was involved. All that I've ever seen reported about Joao's response to the accusations is that he has steadfastly denied all of the complaints — something easily understood by close constituents, as exemplified with a video made by one of his biographers. There has always been readily available in books and video footage ample evidence of Joao's authentic facilitation of spiritual healing through 'channeling.'

Many Facebook supporters happily greeted the news of his release with one of them expressing that he had been "wrongly imprisoned because of the satanic mainstream media." Media outlets who exploited all the sensational and nonsensical claims made about Joao obviously knew little about the subject of their reports. The first English language biography about John of God presented the facts of past court proceedings against him that evidently were motivated by selfish and spiritually ignorant assumed imperatives. Robert Pellegrino-Estrich wrote in The Miracle Man: The Life Story of Joao de Deus (2001):

Despite his amazing contribution to mankind in the alleviation of suffering, he is still pursued by the authorities, spurred along by disgruntled factions; those medical doctors who fail to understand the source of his healing and surgical ability calling on support of their medical associations to take action, and the church whose clergy fear a weakening of their position within the community and fail to recognize the same spiritual source that is the very core of their doctrines.

In his book The Phenomenon of Abadiania, Supreme Court Judge Jose Liberato Costa Povoa argues strongly for the law to be intelligent about its interpretation, pointing out that several court cases had set a precedence which should be considered, particularly in their recognition that acts performed by incorporated entities [while the medium healer is in a trance] were not crimes. He quotes from the case Tribunal de Alcada Criminal de Sao Paulo in which the eminent Judge Azevedo Junior states "In the exercise of quackery the presence of fraud is presupposed, which cannot happen to the mediumized individual. This last, in a state of trance, finds himself unconscious and therefore may not be held responsible for actions undertaken in his absence by the spirits incorporated in him."